Theme 1: Instructional Design
Technology Training Evaluation
Course: EAC 585 - Integrating Technology into Training Programs
This narrative discusses an evaluation of a technology training offered through North Carolina State University (NCSU), Distance Education & Learning Technology Applications (DELTA), Instructional Support Services (ISS). The training is titled Pedagogical Facebook and Twitter? Using Social Media for Academic Good.
Within the past several years, there have been numerous developments in the realm of Web 2.0 technologies and its usage for instruction in education and workplace training. Specifically, social networking technologies are transforming the way people learn, increasing opportunities for collaboration, sharing, innovation, motivation, and achievement. Prior to this course, I was not familiar with the ways in which Web 2.0 technologies were being used as learning tools. This project provided me with an opportunity to learn how to integrate Facebook and Twitter into learning and training environments, and to reflect on various approaches to technology training.
Measuring the effectiveness of training programs is part of the instructional design process. It is important for instructional designers and trainers to know the strengths and weaknesses of a training program; and, evaluation provides helpful information to improve curriculum and demonstrate the benefit of a training program to an organization. In order to effectively evaluate the selected technology training seminar, I used three evaluation tools: 1) Kirkpatrick’s 4-level evaluation model, 2) Petherbridge’s Effective Training Elements Checklist, and 3) Florida Gulf Coast University’s (FGCU) Principles of Online Design Checklist. Recommendations for improving the technology training were suggested.
Click here to view Technology Training Evaluation